We think that it is important to you to know about the European Union initiative towards helping cultural and creative sectors unlock their potential for growth and transnational circulation of art works, and their ability to operate transnationally and reach new audiences in Europe and beyond.
Creative Europe is the European Commission’s framework program for support to the culture and audiovisual sectors. Creative Europe (2014-2020), with a budget of €1.46 billion (9% higher than its predecessors), provided significant support to Europe’s cultural and creative sectors.
The different funding schemes encourage the audiovisual, cultural and creative players to operate across Europe, to reach new audiences and to develop the skills needed in the digital age.
By helping European cultural and audiovisual works to reach audiences in other countries, the program also contributes to safeguarding cultural and linguistic diversity.
There are three subprograms:
Supports cross-border circulation of works of culture and the mobility of cultural players.
Funding opportunities cover a diverse range of schemes: Cooperation projects, Literary Translation, Networks or Platforms. The supported activities aim to enable cultural and creative players to work internationally.
Supports the EU film and audiovisual industries financially in the development, distribution and promotion of their work. It enables European films and audiovisual works including feature films, television drama, documentaries and new media to find markets beyond national and European borders; it funds training and film development schemes.
Cross-sectoral strand
Supports transnational exchange of experiences and know-how in relation to new business and management models, as well as peer-learning activities. It also supports networking among cultural and creative organizations and policy-makers related to the development of the cultural and creative sectors, promoting digital networking where appropriate.
The new program Creative Europe 2021-2027 is foreseen.
It is expected to have an increased budget of €1.85 billion, with increased focus on cross-border collaborations and sectors such as virtual reality and digital innovation
1. What kind of opportunities are offered by the program?
2. Do you know someone who participated in implementation of project within the Creative Europe program?
3. What idea would you apply for the program with?

Project Number: 2020-1-LT01-KA204-077959
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