The Self-assesment tool is a targeted questionnaire that reveals your current level of entrepreneurial skills and competences along with pointing you to those that are in need of upgrade. Through 50-60 questions, the learners is evaluated on the following 5 key competences which are defined by the European Reference Framework for Key Competences regarding the “Creative entrepreneur” topic:
    Entrepreneurship skills
  • Digital literacy
  • Understanding of main components of the creative business
  • Implementing effective marketing strategies for creative business
  • Specific of sales and business negotiation techniques for creative business
The Self-assessment Tool  can be used both as:
    Pre-assessment since it points the learner’s weakest competences, therefore revealing the units of the E-training Programme that he/she has to focus on more.
  • Post-assessment since it can also be taken after completing the E-training Programme in order for the learner to measure his/her progress.
Finally, upon successful completion, learners receive the “Creative Entrepreneur” digital badge  which the learners will be able to display it using the social networks, Mozilla Open Badges Backpack etc. To ensure the transparency, the badge will have meta-data  to communicate details of the badge to anyone wishing to verify it, or learn more about the  context of the achievement it signifies.
Project Number: 2020-1-LT01-KA204-077959 The European Commission support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents which reflects the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.