Maybe there were some prejudices in the past times, that if you’re an artist and create the work of arts, you cannot be the entrepreneur at the same time. One might think that business orientation and strategic thinking are complete the opposite from creative thinking, or that even could kill creativity, innovation and creative process.
Maybe still there is this stereotype about the artist, poor and lonely, “lost“ in his creative work and world, without any connection with real life, and in particular completely without any sense for business and sharing his/her work with public.
However, raise of creative industries in 20th and even more in 21st century, managed to break this stereotype and shaped the other picture – picture of talented, creative person, who can transform his/her talent into successful job/business, without losing the innovativeness or creativity or unique artistic expression.
Although the profit and money making might not be in the focus of the artist, there is the other motivation, mainly intrinsic which drives him/her to invent new works of art and creation and share it with the public. The thing is that todays` market and people are hungry for all kinds of creative, artistic works, and are ready to pay for it.
Creative, entertainment industries attract millions of consumers around the world and help people satisfy their creative and cultural needs.
So, what do you need to transform your talent into successful entrepreneurial career, fulfilling and self- actualizing? Talent and creative skills you possess are the foundation. However, they are not enough.
Questions you should ask yourself are:
To answer all these questions, you must be complemented by core entrepreneurial, business skills, which are not matter of genetic heritage, but could be learnt, shaped and improved over time.
That is why we encourage you to participate in E- training program “Creative Talent Factory “, which provides an innovative easy-to-learn pathway for upskilling the creative entrepreneurial competences and skills needed to set up or improve the creative business.
The main five competences to become successful creative entrepreneur:
In the Creative Talent Factory program we are offering you, will help you to:
Do not hesitate, join us and make your entrepreneurial journey knowledge based, fascinating andinspiring!
1) What are your creative potentials?
2) What can you offer to people? Why would they be interested in it?
3) How people will hear about you and your artistic products/services?
4) Visualize yourself and your career in 5 years? How do you see it? Where are you and how does your career look like?
5) What do you need to learn, explore and know more to reach your career vision?

Project Number: 2020-1-LT01-KA204-077959
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